EUROPLATFORMS is proud to be one of the 45 leading European transport associations that have signed an open letter to the Ministers of the General Affairs Council and the Ministers of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council of the EU. The letter emphasizes the fundamental role of a strong and centrally coordinated EU transport budget for Europe’s growth, resilience and competitiveness.
Transport is the backbone of the EU internal market, enabling the smooth movement of goods and people, strengthening supply chains, and supporting industrial innovation. A robust and well-integrated transport network is essential for Europe’s social, economic and environmental objectives, including climate neutrality and industrial competitiveness.
However, shifting transport funding to nationally managed budgets poses a significant risk to this vision. It would fragment the market, reduce efficiency, and undermine strategic investments needed to optimize connectivity and address cross-border challenges. National approaches often prioritize short-term goals at the expense of Europe-wide benefits.
Only a centrally coordinated European investment strategy can ensure a seamless, resilient, and modern transport infrastructure, capable of addressing current and future challenges while reinforcing Europe’s competitiveness and cohesion.
📢 Discover below why maintaining a strong EU transport budget is essential for Europe’s future.