What is Europlatforms?
Europlatforms EEIG, the European Association of Logistics Platforms was created on 1991. Europlatforms is oriented in the development of Logistic Platforms as nodal transport infrastructure.
It is currently made up of nine countries, which manage the successful networking of over a hundred platforms and logistic centers across each and every one: Portugal, Italy, Germany, Denmark, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Finland and Spain. All European freight corridors, considered a priority by the EU, pass through its facilities.
As ports are maritime infrastructure, Logistic Platforms are the inland nodes of the logistic chain, allowing to logistic enterprises to reduce costs, increase collaboration and facilitate the intermodal transport. The development of logistics platforms though the TEN-T corridors will increase competitiveness and environment protection in the transport sector.
We are convinced that the configuration of supply chains cannot be conceived nowadays without logistic platforms , which already play a key role once these logistic chains have evolved into intermodal logistic chains.

What is a transport & logistics center?
“Center in a defined area within which all activities relating to the transport, logistics and distribution of goods, both for national and international transit, are carried out by various operators on a commercial basis.”
Some of its key characteristics are listed below:
- It must comply with European standards and quality performance to provide the framework for commercial and sustainable transport solutions.
- It is important that it is managed in a single and neutral legal body (preferably by a Public-Private-Partnership), in order to ensure synergy and commercial cooperation.
- It must allow access to all companies involved in the activities set out above.
- The operators can either be owners or tenants of buildings and facilities.
- It must provide the required facilities, equipment and services to the users, as well as public services for the staff.
- It should preferably be served by a multiplicity of transport modes (road, rail, sea, inland waterways, air).
Europlatforms’s objetives.
- To expand and promote the main idea and projects related to Logistics Centers in Europe;
- To create and develop added value relations among the existing Logistics Centers in EUROPE and with similar groupings outside Europe;
- To provide information concerning the Logistics Centers to EU, UNECE, OECD as well as to states, territorial communities, organizations and all connected businesses;
- To protect common interests related to the activities of its members;
- To promote, for itself and its members, the attainment of economic and financial aids for supporting sustainable transportation in the member centers;
- The study, adoption and the starting-up of initiatives, projects, activities or services, which could be of general interest for most of the associated Logistics Centers; and
- To contribute in the Pan-European and Cross-Mediterranean transport integration and partnership through the promotion and introduction of the Logistics Center concept.