Europlatforms in the 4th World Conference of the Logistic Platforms and Cities

EUROPLATFORMS was invited to participate in the 4th World Conference of the Logistic Platforms and Cities, celebrated in Monterrey (Mexico) from 14th to 16th of May 2019. The event was attended by Mr. President. He presented EUROPLATFORMS and a few ideas regarding the importance of the Logistic Platforms in the European Logistic Chain. During these […]
1st Meeting of of the Sub-Group of Experts on safe and secure parking areas for trucks

Europlatforms took part in the 1st meeting of the Sub-Group of expert on safe and secure parking areas for trucks, that took part in Brussels last 15th April 2019. Europlatforms participated actively in the discussion in order to improve the Government Body of the group to get further stages in this important direction.
Europlarforms General Assembly in Salamanca (Spain)

Europlatforms celebrated in Salamanca a General Assembly in which were approbed the accounts of the year 2018 and the budget for 2019. The assembly, attended by a majority of members, accepted the joining of APAT as the Portuguese representative in Europlatforms. Unanimously the assembly welcomed this incorporation and thanked to TVT and its chairman Mr. […]
Europlatfors in Intermodality Event in Salamanca

A large members of Europlatforms was presented in the intermodality event celebrated in Salamanca in the context of the CENCYL project promoted by the Salamanca City Council. Mr. Kent Bentzen, from Denmark, Mr. Luigi Capitani, from Italy, Mr. Henri Ahlqvist, from Finland, Mr. Frank Schuhholz, from Poland, Mr. Thomas Nobel, from Germany, Mr. Leonel Caçao, […]
Meeting with Italian representatives

After the last UIR election, the Board of Directors has changed, including the President and the EUROPLATFORMS representation. Mr Hoya, president of Europlatforms, visited Verona Interporto to meet the new representatives of UIR in Europlatforms. Mr. Hoya, Mr. Capitani and Mr. Gasparatto took advantage of this meeting to discuss the EUROPLATFORMS situation, specially the projects […]
Europlatforms in the second mandate of DTLF

Europlatforms participated last 15th January in the 1st Plennary Meeting of the DTLF, the expert group of the UE about the digital logistic. Europlatforms will participate in the tasks and activities related to the “Cargo Flows Optimization”, subgroup that Europlatforms took part in the first mandate. This expert group is very valorated by the commision […]
Europlatforms in the Athlantic Corridor Logistic Forum

Europlatforms was present in the Athlantic Corridor Logistic Forum celebrated in Badajoz (Spain) last 14th November. Europlatforms was represented by its president Mr. Pablo Hoya who participated as relevant speaker in the forum and highlighted the activities of EUROPLATFORMS and the position of the Freight Village, in the European Logistic Policy. Mr. Hoya presented the challenges […]
Freight Village and Ports Interaction Conference

The President and the General Secretary attended the call of Mr. Adamiantiadis to attend the Conference celebrated in Athens about the interaction between Freight Villages and Ports, in order to present EUROPLATFORMS and the different FV management models across Europe. The General Secretary and the President presented the activities of EUROPLATFORMS, the activities of the […]
Europlatforms in the 25th Anniversary of DGG

The German Association DGG celebrated last 22th June 2018 its 25th Anniversary with an International Conference in the city of Bremen and where was presented Europlatforms by its president Mr. Pablo Hoya. Mr Hoya presented the international perspectives in the European framework, and also the challengers that EUROPLATFORMS has to address in the near future. […]