Seminar titled “EUROPE’S LOGISTICS PLATFORMS” Zaragoza (SPAIN), on line. Organized by: The World Organization of Cities and Logistics Platforms Thomas Nobel and Alberto Milotti as members of the Boards of Directors, Jesús Sanchez as General Secretary and Isabel Velasco as President of Europlatforms were invited to participate in this conference to talk about the success of Europe […]

Safe and Secure Parkings

On January 28, the expert group meeting on “Safe and Secure Parking area Trucks” was held in Brussels The European Parliament and the Council reached an agreement on the Mobility Package in December 2019, including a very important article on safe and secure parking areas asking the Commission to adopt a delegated act in accordance […]

Participation in the workshop “The Future of Rail Transport for European Regions: Challenges and perspectives beyond 2020”

On December 18, the Italian cluster E.R.I.C (Emilia-Romagna Intermodal Cluster), integrated by members of our associate Unione Interporti Reuniti, organized a conference entitled “The Future of Rail Transport for European Regions: Challenges and perspectives beyond 2020” in Brussels. The workshop aimed to foster a discussion of policies and instruments to strengthen the rail freight transport […]

40th Europlatforms General Assembly in Parma (Italy)

In the picture: Henri Ahlqvist (Finland); Kent Bentzen (1st Vice President, Denmark); Luigi Capitani (3rd Vice President, Italy); Pablo Hoya Serna (outgoing president); Jesús Sánchez Sanvicente, Manuel Francisco Martínez (outgoing general secretary) and Carlos Chocarro, from Nasuvinsa in Navarra (ACTE representative in Europlatforms) with Isabel Velasco. The 40th Europlatforms General Assembly took place in Parma […]

Participation in the First International Seminar Zapala Logistics City

Europlatforms, following the collaboration agreement signed with the World Organization of Cities and Logistics Platforms, participated by videoconference with the first international seminar Zapala Logistics City, held in the Argentine province of Neuhén in August 2019. In this participation, Europlatforms was represented by Manuel Fco Martínez, General Secretary of the organization, who showed the large […]

Europlatforms members in Transport Logistic Munich

The increased importance and interest that exist in logistics platforms has make possible that for of the members of Europlatforms stayed present in Transport Logistic Munich with theis own stand. This situation make possible a meeting between members where unified criteria. All the members agreed about the importance of the Logistic Platforms is increasing per […]

Dry Port and Secure Parkings Conference in Lisbon

APAT, the EUROPLATFORMS Portuguese member organized last 27th of May a Conference in Lisbon regarding the Dry Port and the Safe and Secure Parking. Mr. Martín invited the President to make a presentation at this Conference regarding the European and Secure Parking European Project, in order to put in common the EUROPLATFORMS collaboration in this […]

Porto road transport and mobility Conference

The director of the Portuguese Journal Fenando Gonçalves invited Mr. Pablo Hoya as President of EUROPLATFORMS and Antonio Nabo Martin as Director of APAT (Europlatforms Member) to participate in this Conference “Transporte rodoviário e mobilidade em debate no Porto”. The President made a presentation of the Safe and Secure Parking project in which EUROPLATFORMS is […]