Europlatforms celebrated its 25th anniversary in Transport Logistic Munich Fair
Europlatforms celebrated last May 10th its 25th Anniversary with an event in the field of Transport Logistic Munich Fair, which was attended by representatives from more than 10 European countries. The event commemorating the anniversary was divided into two parts. At first, the first Vice-President Mr. Kent Bentzen (Denmark), founding member of Europlatforms, presented their […]
Europlatforms 25 Anniversary
Past December 2016, Europlatforms celebrated the 25th anniversary of its fundation. To commemorate that date, Europlatforms is organizing an event in the frame work of Transport Logistics (Munich) to analyze the future of the Freight Villages. The event will take place next May 10th in the Transport Logistics Fair: Munich Messe (Conference Room B22 – […]
Europlatforms in RCMS final conference
Europlatforms have took part in the RCMS Project Final conference. The organization of this project, oriented to a Rethinking Container Management System invited Europlatforms to present the vision of Europlatforms of the relationship between port container terminals and Logistics Platforms. Europlatforms was represented by the General Secretary, Mr. Manuel Fco. Martínez, and explained the importance […]
Interview to Mr. Pablo Hoya, President of Europlatforms
Spanish Newspaper Transporte Profesional has made an interesting interview to the president of Europlatforms Mr. Pablo Hoya. Mr. Hoya has shown the imporance of the Logistics Platforms to add value to the logistics market, giving an integrate space where made the administrative and operative task needed to give a good service of logistics with limitated costs. You […]
End of 3er World Forum of Cities and Logistics Platforms
With the planned visits to the ports of Algeciras and Huelva it has brought an end to the third World Forum that was held in Seville from the last 30th November to 2nd December, organized by the world Organization of cities and logistics platforms and it counted with the collaboration of Europlatforms and the support of […]
3rd World Forum Of Cities and Logistics Platforms
Europlatforms, due to the collaboration agreement signed with the World Organization of Cities and Logistics Platforms, is collaborating with the organization of the 3rd World Forum of Cities and Logistics Platforms that will take part in Seville during 30th Nov, 1st and 2nd Dic 2016. Europlatforms will participate in several round tables during the event […]
Logismed – Final report
Europlatforms has participated as relevan agent in the Final Report of LOGISMED, You can get this report in this link: Download Report
Europlatforms key actor in the workshop LOGISMED
Europlatforms was presented in the workshop of LOGISMED through the President, the Spanish Association (ACTE) and the German Association (DGG) showing the relevance of the cooperation between the logistic platforms in actual socialeconomic context. The experience of Europlatforms was very accepted by the goverments presented in the workshop and was considered as a line to follow as […]
Deutsche GVZ-Gesellschaft (DGG) joins Europlatforms
Deutsche GVZ-Gesellschaft mbH (DGG) supports the cooperation of German Freight Villages (GVZ). The target is to transfer the positive effects which GVZ generate on local and regional level to the national and European level. Typical fields of collaboration are Intermodal transport (new transport chains between GVZ) Implementation of a logistics-oriented service spectrum in GVZ Intensification of GVZ […]